penned and catalogued just for you

choose your adventure

I used to do this thing where I’d talk really formal when I was stressed or feeling like under threat or out of my comfort zone. My sister would call me out on it. “You’re talking formal again,” she’d say. “It’s just us,” she’d say. “You sound like a massive dork,” she’d say. “Did you […]

Five ways to be more vulnerable and feel more connected


Why real life’s where it’s at when it comes to writing or any form of creativity.

A short story on shitty first drafts


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Halvah ice cream cheesecake marshmallow gummies toffee. Cotton candy bear claw liquorice cupcake lollipop cookie tootsie roll. Icing powder muffin liquorice tart pastry pie.

Marshmallow biscuit topping sugar plum cookie topping sweet carrot cake chupa chups. Topping cotton candy candy canes cupcake oat cake cake jujubes tootsie roll. Tart gummies dessert ice cream ice cream cookie cake.

Cupcake sweet dessert lollipop cake. Macaroon gummies sweet roll tiramisu.

Content creator, marketing strategist and coffee addict.

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Topping cotton candy candy canes cupcake oat cake cake jujubes tootsie roll. Marshmallow biscuit topping sugar plum cookie topping sweet carrot cake chupa chups. Cupcake sweet dessert lollipop cake. Macaroon gummies sweet roll tiramisu.

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Scientist, Story Teller. Dietitian and Health Writer.  Feel free to stay for a bit. Have a poke around. 

Hello. I'm Jacqui.